Tuesday, May 30, 2006


Thanks MARSA

It was another tough day for the market. As of the close of trading today, the NASDAQ is now below the level at which it closed 2004. Thanks largely to a nice move in MARSA/B, my portfolio lost only 0.1 percent for the day. I've now resigned myself to the fact that my portfolio will be down big for the month of May. My goal now is to at least outperform the S&P 500 for the month. With one more trading day in May remaining, I'm 0.2 percent ahead of that index. Hopefully I'll be able to hold the lead tomorrow.

Since you're talkin' about Marsh, thanks. Another stockcoach pick that I bought, and its done real well. Who'd of thunk that a few months ago? When the MARSB express hit my GTC buy at 8.51, I must have missed the conducter's warning, 'next stop six!', cause it sure got there fast. The route up to thirteen wan't express, but the scenery sure has been pleasant.

Good luck.
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