Saturday, May 27, 2006


Weekly Summary: A Modest Recovery

The portfolio managed to gain $10,598 (1.5 percent) for the week, slightly edging out the S&P 500 (up 1.0 percent), the NASDAQ (up 0.8 percent), and the Russell 2000 (up 1.0) percent. I added a couple of new stocks to my portfolio: LTON and TOA. I think both are technically oversold and I will be looking to take a quick profit on them when (if I am right) they bounce.

A reader left a comment asking me to highlight which stock in my portfolio I like the most. That's a tough question, and the answer depends in part on one's time horizon. However, if you locked me up in a hatch on some crazy South Pacific island for a year and I could only retain one stock in my portfolio, I wouldn't hesitate in choosing DYNT.

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